
Gas Suppression

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Gas Suppression


TechArt offers both pre-engineered and engineered to your requirements fire suppression systems which require little distribution pipe and engineered fire protection systems tailored-made/designed for their application.

Engineered Fire Suppression Systems are designed specifically. Engineered systems are usually for larger installations where the system is designed for a particular application.

Pre-Engineered Fire Suppression Systems use pre-designed elements to eliminate the need for engineering work beyond the original product design. Typical industrial solutions use a simple wet or dry chemical agents, such as potassium carbonate or mono ammonium phosphate (MAP), to protect spaces such as paint rooms and booths, storage areas, and commercial kitchens

Gas-based Fire Suppressions are a suitable agent for normally occupied spaces. Gas suppression fire suppression systems are commonly used in:-

DATA Centers
Currency rooms
Critical facility rooms
Telecommunication facilities
UPS Rooms
Medical facilities
Electrical Panel (usually Co2)

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